Sans serif fonts typically fit this description and are preferred for body text. You’ll want to choose fonts that are simple in design and form so that the letterforms are distinguishable at smaller sizes (consider chart labels or table figures). Legibility is the most important visual characteristic for presentation theme fonts. Guide speakers to use Presenter View when presenting, so they can see all of their notes while the audience sees your beautifully designed and edited slides. Use brief, concise statements instead of full sentences. Include only top-level information on screen and put supporting text in speaker notes and handouts. When striving for beautiful presentation typography, start by editing the amount of text on the slides. And when they’re reading, they’re unable to listen to the presenter as our brains cannot process these two information channels at the same time. The audience will read everything on the screen themselves-it’s human nature. Slides are not a teleprompter! Presenters should never read the slides to the audience. Presentations should be a visual aid for the audience, to support and reinforce what a presenter is saying. Slides are for the audience, not the presenter All text displayed on screen should be legible (easy to distinguish letterforms) and readable (arranged for easier reading) by everyone in the audience. Successful presentations rely on great type to help convey information to an audience. Good typography can make or break any design effort, including presentation design.